Core Values
Equality and non-discrimination
We believe in the full equality of all human beings in the enjoyment of basic human rights, and the necessity of providing such rights in a way that guarantees the ability of all people to access them equally and without discrimination. In our work, we are committed to combating discrimination, which is based on any non- objective grounds, in particular, the gender-based one.
We believe in solidarity as an umbrella for the rights that we struggle for, as all human rights are linked together in one indivisible fabric. Also, we believe in the unity and universality of the movement to defend human rights. We are committed to solidarity with all human rights defenders, regardless of the human rights they defend.
We operate independently of all official authorities and bodies, as well as political ideologies, spectrum, movements and parties. We pledge that our first and only alignment, will be with the values and principles of human rights.
We are committed to the utmost objectivity, integrity, and accuracy. As well as, respecting the agreed ethics in research, and knowledge production. This is to ensure the highest possible level of acceptance and credibility of our research production.
We are aware of our responsibility towards victims of violations, including human rights defenders and witnesses who have shared their experiences with us. We pledge to make every possible effort to protect them from any harm that may affect them for cooperation with us.
We believe in partnership as a way to manage our work at different levels; planning, implementation, and impact evaluation. We believe in working with, and not just working for. We are committed to engaging and hearing the voices of all the stakeholders in the decision-making processes within the organization.
We are committed to making a positive impact, through an effective and meaningful action, based on innovative strategies, tactics and activities, that are continuously reviewed and developed, with the aim to achieve a positive and measurable impact on the work and lives of human rights defenders.